Jaxton Su
Working between the mediums of painting, installation and video art, Jaxton Su is currently interested in exploring the spatial possibilities pertaining to private and virtual realms in our hyperconnected world. He holds a Master of Fine Art from The Glasgow School of Art (UK) and was recently awarded the StudyUK Alumni Award in Culture and Creativity.
Video Art
Duration: 7 min 36 secs
Honjok explores the idea of private spaces in the shoes of a single person living in Singapore. Different circumstances such as discriminatory housing policies, inflation, etc. have affected how and when a single person can afford a house - a personal space, causing many to still live with their parents or share a rented place. Inspired by this, the work titled Honjok, a neologism combining hon (alone) and jok (tribe), reimagines the possibility of private spaces for the lone person, where the bathroom - a transient non-place that is usually taken for granted and where people generally do not spend much time in, might offer that moment of solitude that one longs for, as well as being a place of boundless possibilities. The video examines the uncharted facade of the “bathroom” as a private place as it merges with other familiar everyday spaces, forming a surreal experience for the honjok.
Duration: 2 min 20 secs
In Ostinato, the volcano alludes to the unpredictable and sublime nature of the mind. The work features the artist conducting to a self-composed tune within an otherworldly landscape of erupting volcanos - a metaphorical projection of the evolving and episodic nature within our inner psyche.
Against the tide I from
Oil on canvas
80 x 79 cm, 2015
Solace in the strangest places
Oil and acrylic on canvas
36 x 25 cm
Oil on canvas
60 x 79 cm