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Sinking Daydream.jpg

Soon Xiao Qi

Soon (b.2000, Malaysia) interests are rooted in historical tales and introspections; evoking nostalgia through the use of unfiltered imagery. In the exploration of different mediums, she portrays her heritage and childhood obsessions through various perspectives in tales that are seldom discussed.

Sinking Daydream

Oil on canvas

80 x 100 cm


Ebb and Flow

Oil on canvas

50 x 60 cm


A further regression into the deeper state of mind, the work explores the unlimited capabilities to re-imagine a form of reality with no repercussion while in such a deep state is illustrated through figurative forms.


The denial of one's insufferable reality results in isolation. Their mind regresses to the source of their comfort, the subconscious. Water represents the idyllic environment for one to sink in, indulging in the non-reality; a perceived ideal state of peacefulness while remaining ignorant of the incoming destruction of the self.

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